IMG Mailbox Letters to the Editors Drake, That New Guy! Dear IMG: I want to thank IMG for preserving my sanity by including the comments in Drake’s Corner. It is so refreshing to hear intelligent and sensible comments from someone who has a clue. I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought the “flaming” was stupid and annoying as hell. I hope some of these dweebs who bitch and moan constantly will read the column and realize how incredibly juvenile they sound. - Smacman via AOL Dear IMG: Attached is my order for IMG. I have been debating making this purchase for a while. After reading “Drake’s Corner” in the August Preview version, however, I HAD to order! I have been following the Marathon discussion for the past couple of months and I think a good number of people on that board need to read this article. - Carl-Christian via AOL Dear IMG: Gee, I was going to offer the suggestion that Mr. Drake go and start his own on-line service along the lines of a country club where members could do the digital equivalent of sipping tea, and anyone not speaking the Queen’s English would be thrown out on their butts... Instead of getting so upset that he felt he had to waste space in IMG telling the world about it, Mr. Drake should go get some help of his own -- learning not to let harmless people bother him so terribly. - AFC CHIP via AOL Dear IMG: I hope that Drake in “Drakes Corner” is a joke. Otherwise he is one of the Biggest hypocrites I have ever seen. He was complaining about the people who complain. He was being rude towards the people he called rude. He was very repetitive about how the people being repetitive. If the article was a joke, I feel stupid. If not, that was really sad. However, besides Drake, this magazine rocks! Keep up the good work! - Neilinator via AOL - Drake is off the wall a bit, but that’s why we brought him on. He’ll make you mad, laugh, cry, and most importantly -- think, and it seems by the responses we’ve been getting from Drake’s first article, it seems to be working. —TD IMG on CD-ROM Dear IMG: IMG on CD-ROM would be the best news of the year. Go for it! - Esa Helttula via eWorld Dear IMG: A monthly IMG-CD is a great idea. And just when I was beginning to wonder if maybe this whole CD-ROM thing might be a bust. - Steve Pollock via eWorld Dear IMG: I think the monthly IMG on CD-ROM is a wonderful idea and I hope you do it. As you explained in your August IMG, the CD-ROM format will let you include QuickTime movies, demos, shareware and so much more. If you go on CD-ROM, you’ve got a subscriber for life! - Brad Smith via AOL - Check out the “Announcing the IMG CD-ROM Magazine!” in this month’s issue to learn how you can subscribe or upgrade to the CD-ROM version of IMG! —TD Modem Players Wanted! Dear IMG: I think you should start a section called Modem Players Wanted or something similar. I'm always looking for people to play F/A-18 Hornet and Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (using ARA) within my area code but have a hard time finding someone. Maybe you could ask people to send in requests to be listed in that section. - Paul Predio - We think that's a great idea and have been wanting to do it for a long time. Unfortunately we don't have space on the disk to do a section like that but we will on the CD-ROM version of the magazine. If you'd like to find someone to play a network or modem game with, please send IMG the following: Name Telephone Number (with area code) What network or modem games you'd like to play E-Mail address (if any) What’s to Come? Dear IMG: I have realized that I am not hanging out for specific articles in next month’s issues. I think that IMG is very well set out, especially w/ the amazingly handy index of past issues which comes each month. Sadly, however, there is not a page/section which tells us what is coming next month. Say, for example, that I was considering buying POP2, I might wait until I had read the review if I knew it were coming. - stheath via AOL Prince of Persia 2 Easter Egg Dear IMG: Jordan Mechner mentioned in his interview in IMG July/94 that there is a certain level in POP 2 that can be beaten quickly but no one has found it. I have found it. It is level 10. Run to the right, beat the first guy, keep going to the right, climb on the ledge, keep going to the right till you get to a drop off. Slow walk to the edge and jump. You will land on the first tile which will break but if you are holding the shift key when you jump you’ll grab the edge of the next tile. Climb up and slow walk to the edge of the small ledge you are on. Jump to the right and hold shift, you will grab a hidden ledge on the next screen. Pull yourself up and run to the right until you fall through a trapdoor. You will notice that you are write near the exit which has conveniently been opened by a falling tile. - Sam Davidoff via AOL I Want More from LA! Dear IMG: I just bought Rebel Assault and I think it’s pretty good. I don’t buy into too many arcade games, but that Super Yoda Mode helped a lot (see this month’s hints & tips). The game has fantastic cinemas! I think it just displaced Myst as my “show-off” cd when I’m demoing how cool the Mac is. Surprisingly, video line skipping looks better than full display! On an 840av, both run at the same speed, but I liked line skipping better. Great job on the art. Anyways, I hope this is just first of many new games from LucasArts! Bring on Sam and Max! Dark Forces? How about an Indy first person perspective game? - Leslie Shafer via AOL - Holy cow, you forgot to mention X-Wing! —TD Bring Back the Screen shots Dear IMG: I got the Free Preview of the August Inside Mac Games, and I’d like to complain, bitterly. Not just some, but ALL of the screen shots are gone... why? If you’re lacking on space, why not take out those stupid header pictures. I actually tried that, and it freed up 188k of space. Why have them in there if they’re the same every time? - surfvh via Internet - The free preview versions of IMG are just that, free previews, demos, etc. and are meant to entice people to subscribe, not complain. If you really miss the screen shots, why not subscribe and get the whole thing? In the very near future we’ll be releasing demos of IMG sporadically, so send in your subscription quick! —TD In a Mess o’ Trouble Dear IMG: Thanks for the review of my shareware adventure game, “A Mess O’Trouble”. There are however, a couple of important errors in your listing of the game’s specifications. It says that the game requires a Mac “with a color monitor.” In fact, the game plays on both black & white or color monitors. It also says it runs in Native Mode on the PowerMac. Because “A Mess O’Trouble” is not 32-bit clean, it will NOT run on the PowerMac, or any AV Mac. But it runs fine on any Mac or PowerBook that can switch off 32-bit addressing. One other thing: The shareware fee is actually just $10. Anyway, my thanks to IMG and the reviewer! - RayDunakin via AOL Letters to IMG. If you have a question, problem, comment, suggestion, or idea, just drop us a line. All letters become property of Inside Mac Games. We reserve the right to edit any letters.